Useful binds for the game Rust
We go into the game launcher (into the game), press the F1 button to open the console and enter the necessary bind from those offered on our portal or create your own custom one based on the knowledge gained in the same image and likeness.
To remove the bind, open the console by pressing the F1 key and enter the following commands:
For example, to unbind the f key:
bind f f
bind f clear
unbind f (at the time of writing this unbind command is relevant)
Using the same example, using any other key instead of the “f” key, you can remove an unnecessary bind from a busy button.
bind 0 “ 0.2” to return bind 9 “ 1” - it is convenient to adjust the volume when driving a noisy vehicle to hear your teammate.
bind mouse1 +hoverloot;+attack2 - right mouse button autoloot.
bind j +attack;+attack2 - Autoattack.
bind u +attack;+duck - Auto-attack in pied.
bind z +forward;+sprint - Auto run.
bind q +jump;+sprint;+duck - Jump in inconvenient places, such as a window.
bind k kill - Suicide.
bind 2 +slot2;+attack - Use an item in slot 2 (useful for quick application of syringe and bandage) .
bind p +attack;+jump - Hit in a jump (useful for raiding with ceiling picks).
bind o disconnect - Bind to disconnect/disconnect from the server.
bind F1 consoletoggle;combatlog - Opens combatlog when you press F1 (allows you to quickly check in the console how much xp the enemy has left).
bind i reload;attack;duck - Bind macro for raid with homemade shotgun. This bind will automatically fire and reload the weapon afterward.
bind o forward;sprint - Automatic running on keypress.
Translated with (free version)
bind g chat.say /home 1 - bind to teleport home with the given name 1 (instead of 1 you can substitute the name of any of your homes).
bind y chat.say /tpa - bind to accept teleportation of your teammate.
bind u building.upgrade - bind to upgrade buildings with +1 higher grade.
bind u building.upgrade 4 - example of a bind to upgrade a building to armoring.
bind u building.bgrade 4 - an example of a bind if the binds above do not work. Instead of 4 you can try to put “wood”, “stone”, “metal”, “armored”;
bind x chat.say /remove - turn on the mode of deleting buildings.
bind k chat.say /kit - open the menu to get kits. If the kits have specific names, then add your bind, for example, add the prefix “med” at the end, so that you get: bind k chat.say /kit med
bind t chat.say /tpr player nickname - send a teleportation request to a player/timemate or fellow player.
bind q chat.say /trade yes - accept trade.
bind o - open backpack.
If commands with chat.say / do not work, then write commands without chat.say / ;
If commands without chat.say / do not work, then try the last option, use: bind t “chat.say \”/command\“”, where instead of command substitute the desired action (command), for example kit.
Note, you can use any command (all commands on modified servers start with a slash, allow /kit) available to you on the server where you play, and the above is an example of use.
If any of the above commands don't work, then you may want to use the following commands as an example
bind b “Craft.add 1840822026 10”
bind c “Craft.add 1079279582 10”
bind i “Craft.add -742865266 10”
bind l “Craft.add -1878475007 10”
bind y “Craft.add -265876753 999”
bind n “Craft.add -592016202 100”
C-Syringe +
B-Bobs +
I-Rockets +
Powder +
L-Sachets +
n-expa +
If the crafting commands don't work, try entering a bind of the following kind, as in the example below:
input.bind t craft.add -2072273936 1 (Example of a bind with “medical bandage” crafting).
In the folder with the game standard path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Rust\cfg, there is a file keys.cfg, in it you can find all your bindings and edit them, as well as delete.
Files with the extension .cfg can be opened with the built-in program “Notepad” from Windows, as well as with a more convenient program Notepad+, a link to which you can find on the Internet.
If you have trouble creating binds, then join our Discord community of rast players at the link below and we'll help you set up binds.
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Content is available under the Creative Commons 3.0 License